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Grains Extension Resources

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development has significant direct investment in grains research, development and extension capability and activities, research infrastructure and policy development.

The Western Australian grains industry is a major contributor to the agrifood sector and the Australian economy. WA produces on average 18 million tonnes of grains (cereals, oilseeds and pulses) each year. Grain exports generate more than $5.9 billion (five year average) for the WA economy each year – making it the largest agricultural sector in the state, and the fifth largest export industry overall after iron ore, oil and gas, gold and lithium.

WA exports about 80% of its annual grain production to more than 50 countries worldwide. Indonesia is WA’s top wheat export market worth over $880 million per year, followed by China ($750 million) and Vietnam ($610million) over the last five years. WA is the world’s leading supplier of premium malting barley to Japan, China and India, the major supplier of wheat for the Japanese udon noodle market, and a major feed barley supplier to the Middle East.

In the 2021/22 season it is estimated the WA grains industry exported a total of $6 billion of cereals and $3.2 billion of pulse and oilseeds. The major contributors to these exports were wheat ($3.9 billion), canola ($3.0 billion), barley ($1.4 billion), lupins ($200 million) and oats ($160 million).

Photo Credit: Aphids in Canola trials at Muresk – Turnip yellows virus (TuYV) research by DPIRD

Resource list

Grains Convo Newsletter

Do you want to know how to tackle the biggest challenges facing the Western Australian grains industry?

Do you want to hear from world-class scientists about the latest technology hitting your paddocks?

Subscribe to the Grains Convo newsletter here and stay up to date on monthly research findings and cutting-edge developments from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) Grains Team.

Grains Convo Podcast

The Grains Convo podcast shines a spotlight on the knowledge and tools developed by DPIRD to grow the grains industry, with new episodes released on the 1st and 15th of each month. You can now subscribe to GRAINS CONVO on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

PestFacts WA

PestFacts WA is an informative and interactive reporting service on pests and diseases threatening crops and pastures throughout the grain belt of WA. Weekly news updates throughout the growing season provide readers with risk alerts, current information and advice.

Keep up to date here

Protecting WA Crops

The DAFWA Crop Protection team have been busy updating the eWeed newsletter to bring you a bigger and better format: Protecting WA Crops.

Protecting WA crops is our new monthly eNewsletter providing agronomists and growers with an up-to-date review (including the latest research) of the weed, disease and pest threats that impact on crop production.

Check out October’s edition here


Follow DPIRDBroadacre on X (formerly Twitter) to get the latest grains and livestock information for farmers and industry in Western Australia

Grains Research and Industry Development Projects

To learn more about DPIRD Grains priority projects, click on the links below:

Crop Protection projects

Soil Science and Crop Nutrition projects

Crop Science and Grain Production projects

Genetic Improvement projects

Season 2024: Information for WA farmers

The Season 2024 webpage contains seasonally relevant information and management options in the broadacre agricultural areas of Western Australia. Regular review and updated information is coordinated through DPIRD’s Farming Systems Innovation – Regional Intelligence and Adoption branch.

Management resources

GIWA Crop Report

The GIWA Crop Reports are a monthly forecasting service, released by the end of the second week each month (excluding January and March), which estimates grain production and yield in Western Australia for the forthcoming harvest season.

GIWA gratefully acknowledges the support of the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), CBH Group, Digital Agriculture Services (DAS) and contributions from independent agricultural consultants and agronomists in the production of this report.

Click here to access the 2024 season reports.

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Grains Senior Leadership Team


Enquiries to Adrianna Jakimowicz at GGA


Posted on

30 Jun 2024