Evergreen Farming Legacy Fund

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Evergreen Farming Legacy Fund

After 23 years of successful operation, the Evergreen Farming grower group has wound up with reserves of around $150,000.

These unused funds will be transferred to GGA to act as custodians for grants up to $25,000 [+GST] for voting GGA member grower groups to use in ways aligned to Evergreen Farming’s work around perennial pasture systems.

A framework on pre-agreed uses and governance for grants has been established between Evergreen Farming and GGA.

Eligible uses framework

Eligible uses of the funds:

  1. Research & Development projects on perennial pasture systems*
  2. Extension & Adoption projects on perennial pasture systems*
  3. Capacity building, including student bursaries, on perennial pasture systems [*includes fodder shrubs]

Non-eligible activities:

  1. Administration
  2. Staff
  3. Capital items
  4. Overhead costs

Examples of eligible grant uses

Examples of initiatives would include:

    1. Research and development projects such as trials on perennial pasture systems [includes fodder shrubs]
    2. Extension and adoption initiatives such as field days, special knowledge-building events with subject matter specialists on perennial pasture systems [includes fodder shrubs]
    3. Capacity Building initiatives such as student bursaries, guest speakers, and learning resources such as in-field workbooks or podcasts aiming to boost knowledge and capacity around perennial pasture systems [includes fodder shrubs]


Submission criteria

  • Applicants must be ‘voting’ member grower groups of the GGA network
  • Outside organisations can partner with the above mentioned ‘voting’ grower group members for a project submission.
  • Grower groups applying must have undertaken the GGA benchmarking process as part of the due diligence of recipient groups, prior to any legacy funds being released. You can apply now, and benchmark later. Read more about GGA’s position on the value of benchmarking here. 
  • Proposals can benefit the applicant group only or the wider network.
  • Proposals or initiatives that can be shared beyond one group with the wider network will be strongly favoured
  • Applications must fall within the pre-agreed eligible uses listed above.
  • Activity delivery must occur within 12 months of grant remittance. Special circumstances for delayed delivery will be considered.
  • Groups can submit co-funded proposals where the group matches some of the Evergreen Farming Legacy Funds being applied for.
  • Significant submissions can be received to be executed in stages that could span over a multi-year opportunity. Eg access $5,000 as a Stage 1, access a further $5,000 as a Stage 2, and access another $5,000 as a Stage 3 .
  • Think big, we encourage groups to submit ambitious visionary ideas.

Administration of the grant system

  • Two grant rounds a year with funds released every May and November, unless funds are all issued.
  • Maximum amount per grant: $25,000 + GST.
  • In-kind and co-funding will be looked upon favorably.
  • Grants will require simple acquittal processes which will be managed by Alison Lacey, the assigned ‘Evergreen Farming Legacy Fund’ program manager from GGA. 

    Timeline for ‘Grant’ submission rounds


    • Applications via the below form need to be completed in one session.
    • Prepare your application in a word document prior, save the work to then copy into the relevant fields below. 
    • Access the questions and prepare your responses using this word document.

    Grant application gallery

    Once you have submitted your application it will appear in the gallery below. If you application is not visible you may not have submitted the application.


    Program Manager

    Alison Lacey from the Grower Group Alliance will be the program manager for grant recipients and is the first point of contact alacey@gga.org.au 

    Grants selection panel

    A combined GGA / Evergreen Farming panel will review all submissions for the Evergreen Legacy Fund grants.


    Grant application enquiries to Alison Lacey at GGA via alacey@gga.org.au 

    About Benchmarking

    Read more about GGA’s position on benchmarking, the value of benchmarking, access to support and tutorials on the benchmarking process here.

    Voting member groups of the GGA

    Agricultural Women Wheatbelt East (AWWE)
    Certified Organic Biodynamic Western Australia Inc (COBWA)
    Compass Agricultural Alliance
    Corrigin Farm Improvement Group
    Esperance Zone Innovation Group (EZI)
    Facey Group
    Far Eastern Agricultural Research Group (FEAR)
    Fitzgerald Biosphere Group
    Future Food Producers Group
    Gascoyne Catchments Group
    Gillamii Centre
    Great Southern Wine Producers Association
    Hills Orchard Improvement Group
    Kimberley Pilbara Cattlemen’s Association
    LIEBE Group
    Lower South West Grower Group
    Merredin and Districts Farm Improvement Group (MADFIG)
    Mingenew Irwin Group
    Moora Miling Pasture Improvement Group
    Morawa Farm Improvement Group
    Mortlock Ag Focus Group
    Mullewa Dryland Farmers Initiative
    Noongar Land Enterprise Group
    North Stirlings Pallinup Natural Resources
    Northern Agri Group
    Nyabing Farm Improvement Group
    O’Connor Research Group
    Oil Mallee Association of Australia
    Ravensthorpe Agricultural Initiative Network (RAIN)
    Regen WA
    Society of Precision Agriculture Australia (SPAA)
    South East Premium Wheat Growers Association (SEPWA)
    Southern Dirt Incorporated
    Southern Rangelands Pastoral Alliance
    Stirlings to Coast Farmers
    Sweeter Banana Co-operative
    Three Springs Farm Innovation Network (3FIN)
    Toodyay Agricultural Alliance
    Turf Growers Association of Western Australia
    WA Hemp Growers’ Co-op Ltd
    WA No-Tillage Farmers Assoc (WANTFA)
    WA Regenerative Livestock Producers
    West Midlands Group
    Western Australian Lot Feeders Association
    Western Beef Assoc Inc
    Wheatbelt Integrity Group (WIG)
    Women in Farming Inc
    Yuna Farm Improvement Group